News Services Dowsing Appointments


Spiritual Dowsing with Patricia E. MacIsaac

What is dowsing?
With the aid of one's superconscious mind, using a suitable device, one may gain unseen information at a distance about a person, creature, object, substance, place or thing, beyond the limitations of one's five senses and so-called logical, thinking mind.

What is dowsing of the human energy fields?
The human energy field is much like a magnetic blueprint containing your life's patterns. It contains these energetic patterns in the electromagnetic fields that surround your body, much like you store files in the memory of a computer. Whether unconscious or conscious, these thoughts, feelings, behaviors and general issues dictate our mode of operation today. These energy fields around us contain our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies.

What is spiritual dowsing?
When "other" energy fields have affected our own energy fields, spiritual dowsing can discern this and clear them. Have you ever said to someone, "What has gotten into you?"

Did you ever feel:

  • Low energy.
  • Character shifts or mood swings.
  • Inner voice(s) speaking to you.
  • Abuse of drugs (including alcohol).
  • Impulsive behavior.
  • Memory problems.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Sudden onset of anxiety or depression.
  • Sudden onset of physical problems with no obvious cause.
  • Emotional and/or physical reactions while reading this brochure.

What are the benefits of spiritual dowsing?
You will no longer feel as though you are driving with the brakes on. You will feel empowered, clearer, more focused and many people gain insightful information about themselves and those around them. It really is a different (new) perspective about your energy, and those around you that affect it.

Contact Information

Thank you for visiting SOULCOACH.NET, and I hope I have given you ideas to think about.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you would like to make an appointment.

Spiritual Dowsing is an area that I have never advertised; it has spread completely by word-of-mouth, and there are an increasing number of clients in this area.

I receive amazing feedback and messages from this work, and always do this for the greater good of my clients.

As some of my clients may or may not know, I once belonged to a religious community, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, and am still active in promoting the organization. The only reason I mention that here is as a kind of assurance of my intention when I talk about getting back to the Source.

Please email, telephone or contact me by mail for an appointment. There is usually a considerable wait for a convenient time, but openings do sometimes occur by synchronicity.

Postal address
SSHC, 183 Whiting Street, Suite #5, Hingham, MA 02043
Electronic mail
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Copyright © 2007 Soulcoach
Last modified: 08/30/07